One of the most prevalent problems with ‘Comment is Free’ is that CiF moderators often delete posts simply because they disagree with the pro-Israeli views expressed there. For the poster it causes much frustration at having taken the time to write a comment only to have it deleted and it leaves anti-Israel and, worse still, antisemitic positions on the thread unchallenged.
The following is a list of instructions that you might want to follow before you press the <Post Comment> button on CiF.
1. Open up Notepad, MS Word or any other word processor document ready to copy/paste your post to.
2. Copy/paste the post directly from the text box provided by CiF BEFORE you press the <Post Comment> button.
3. If the comment appears on the thread, copy/paste it from the thread itself instead of the ‘raw text’ in the previous step (make sure to include the time of the post and name of poster). [Note that if you are pre-moderated (you do not receive advance warning about this) it is important to follow step #2 before posting a comment – if you do not there is no way of retrieving your post once you click <Post Comment>].
4. Save the document with a name that you will easily recognize in the future to locate the document. This repository document can easily be used to store a large number of your comments.
5. Post the deleted comment on a relevant comment thread at CiF Watch or simply email us a copy of the deleted comment at for consideration.