CifEditor is all in a Tizz

Since the launch of CiF Watch, one senses the growing frustration in the ranks of the moderators on the I/P threads as their anti-Jewish bias continues to be exposed by us.
Take for example, the Ben White thread that opened late afternoon yesterday. The first comment was an ominous off-topic warning from the moderator, a now regular appearance in I/P threads.


02 Oct 09, 4:36pm

Staff Staff


Comments should relate to matters discussed in this article. Off-topic comments may be removed by the moderators.

When discussion turned to settlements – spurned by Ben White’s oft-used and specious reference in his article to settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank as “colonisation”, the moderators lashed out with the following warning:


02 Oct 09, 5:17pm

Staff Staff
OK, that’s enough about settlements. Please return to the main topic.

Perplexed by this, Keo2008 writes:


02 Oct 09, 5:21pm

Have I missed something here? I can find nothing inthe article suggesting what deal might be struck.

I’m not sure how we are expected to comment on a proposed compromise or deal if we dont know what it involves

Anotnyms then pipes in with this:


02 Oct 09, 5:43pm (about 12 hours ago)

can we please have an adult discussion WITHOUT nanny moderator deciding for us what is on topic?
really, this is a national newspaper blog. It is something I encourage young adults to read in order to educate and inform themselves with.
Not on this topic, not on this page, not on this blog and NOT WITH THIS DRACONIAN MODERATION.

Sounds like the the cifeditor isn’t a popular fellow on the threads with these off-topic warnings.
So in case you’re wondering what is considered “on topic” you need only look as far as Ben White’s recent piece about Salam Fayyad where cifeditor weighed in with this:


24 Sep 09, 10:12am
Staff Staff


This is an article about Salam Fayyad and West Bank politics. Please confine your discussion to that. Further comments about Hamas may be deemed off-topic and deleted by the moderators.

Got it. Don’t mention Hamas which is code for don’t mention the Hamas Charter. And if you are in any doubt about what you can and can’t talk about on the threads then take a look here at the Guardian talk policy.

So where does that leave us. Well the growing frustration of the moderators as evinced by the increasing number of “warnings” (which are almost exclusively limited to I/P threads) and the contemptible outbursts of Brian Whitaker here, here and here serve to underscore the fact that something’s definitely amiss.
Perhaps if the Guardian ceased its endless obsession with the Jewish state, the Jews and Zionism things would change.
Somehow though, I don’t see that happening. Guardian management is just too steadfast in its arrogant, bigoted and self-righteous belief that Zionism is a racist ideology to realize the monster they have created.

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