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The Indictment of the Guardian
We have a lot of new visitors to our site and for their benefit wanted to provide a list of a selection of posts that we have made over the course of the past two and a half months since our launch that indict the Guardian for encouraging and proliferating antisemitic discourse.
Take your pick and then take a long hot shower. Its truly a cesspit. There is no other word for it.
Shame on Alan Rusbridger, Georgina Henry, Matt Seaton and Brian Whitaker.
The ‘famous’ Dennis MacEoin Letter
Must Read Critique of Guardian Editorial Bias
Editorial Bias and Antisemitism
How low can it go
“Two Minutes Hate”: Melanie Phillips bashing on the Ed Husain thread
Enforcing the GWV: The Guardian J Street poll
Stratification of Antisemitism at the Guardian
Guardians of Iran
A ‘Psychological’ Approach to Demonising Israel
Where’s Gilad?
Grauniad caught in a bald faced lie about Israel…again
Guardian: No Israeli nobel peace prize winners…ever
Biased Anti-Jewish Moderation on the Hirsch Thread
How the Guardian Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Iranian Bomb
Does Ahmadinejad read the Guardian?
CiF’s Jewish Naqba Denial
Monomania and Inconsistency
Lies, Big Lies and Comment is Free
The Use of Nazi Analogies on CiF – Part 2
The Use of Nazi Analogies on CiF
Georgina’s Cretinous Double StandardsEnforcing the GWV through Misrepresentation – Addendum # 2
Enforcing the GWV through Misrepresentation – Addendum
Enforcing the GWV through Misrepresentation
Goldstoned, Matt Seaton joins the fray
If my MEMRI serves me well
Whitaker defends Human Rights Watch
How Low Will They Go? Pro-Israel Posters Accused of Being on Israeli Government Payroll
Antisemitic threads
Its all in the title: Jewish conspiracy theory on the Tomasky thread
We’re all Hamas now
Debating the Holocaust on CiF
Shit the Guardian is Burning
Toxic Mix of Antisemitism on the Tisdall Thread
Guardian World View in Action on the Galloway Thread
Guardian World View in Action on the Ben White Thread
Antisemitism Gushing from the Ben White Thread
While the Cat’s Away the Holocaust Deniers will Play
From the Morris Thread: Candidates for the Second Berchmans Award
A Humorous Look at the Guardian and its Management
Three Misguided Idiots: A Play in Two Acts
Guardian updates its talk policy…well not exactly
The Book of Old Guardian Chronicles
The Book of Seumas
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Anti-Israel Bias: March 2010 Stats
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