Could the Guardian have got it wrong…yet again?

Yesterday the Guardian published an article claiming that it has photographs of a 500 pound bomb dropped on the Al Badr flour mill during Operation Cast Lead. Given the Guardian’s track record for accuracy when it comes to Israel, you can hardly blame one for being a little more than suspicious of these claims.
Carl in Jerusalem over at Israel Matzav has similar concerns as to the veracity of the Guardian’s claims.

The picture at the top of this post came from a BBC report in June 2009. The caption says that it is the top two floors of the al-Badr flour mill. Here’s a larger version of the picture:

I am not a military expert, but the damage would seem to be more consistent with a hit from a helicopter or a tank shell than from an F-16 as Goldstone claims above. If the building had been hit by an F-16, I would think that the roof would be gone. While Goldstone also refers to helicopters, note that the Guardian report, which challenges the Israeli account, refers to a 500-pound bomb. Helicopters don’t carry 500-pound bombs. A 500-pound bomb would not have left the roof intact (more evidence that the roof was intact follows below).

To read the whole thing click here.

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