The lies are pouring in

This is a guest post by AKUS
As the Guardian keeps up it deluge of articles about the capture of the Marmora, unprecedented and vastly outstripping anything they have ever published on other events or conflicts, the lies that are appearing in the face of all video, photographic, and audio evidence to the contrary become more and more fantastic.
Let’s keep it short, and go to one article which (with the exception of Chris McGreal’s lie about the Al Durrah affair) pretty much encapsulates most of the common themes we are seeing via a variety of one-sided “eye-witness reports”:

First paragraph:

Some formed human shields, others fought back with makeshift weapons, while a few of the most vulnerable hid below deck and prayed for the violence and killing to stop.

(Well its nice of the authors to admit some on board were being used as human shields – to shield who? I hope Goldstone is taking notes.)

” “the ship turned into a lake of blood””

Well, not really – 10 people were shot in a ship apparently carrying 5000 tons of stuff … I’m sure there was blood, but a lake? Really?

“clashes were “extremely bad and brutal”.”

But I thought the “activists” didn’t cause any violence — were the Israelis fighting among themselves?

“dressed in black and with gigantic weapons as if they were in a war.”

More like women in burkas (!) and “gigantic weapons” that are paintball guns with the paint reservoir on them.

“Many people were murdered – it was unimaginable.””

9 killed while attacking the soldiers, actually. Not that many out of 600, and the estimated 30 -50 involved in the brutal attacks against the Israeli commandos.

“Annette Groth, a German politician, described at a press conference how she had seen Israeli soldiers outside her cabin, after they had stormed the ship.

“They were shooting without warning,” she said. “It was like war … They had guns, Taser weapons, some type of teargas and other weaponry, compared to two-and-a-half wooden sticks we had between us. To talk of self-defence is ridiculous.””

She is the arch-liar. Israel has reported that the terrorists used electric buzz saws to cut iron bars from the ship’s railing after it sailed to be used as weapons (as they clearly were).

And in the video, of course, we see numerous men beating the daylights out of the first few soldiers to rappel down to the deck – testimony form a soldier )
Then in the next paragraph the authors actually confirm Israel’s version from both Turkish and Israeli sources, and, of course, the numerous clips that are playing all over the ‘net:

“Footage of the assault shown on Turkish TV and images released by the Israeli military clearly showed some commandos being beaten with sticks by passengers.”

Yet this is followed immediately by the next lie:

“However, Paech said he saw no arms being used by the activists. “There were only two men with short sticks, but no knives, iron rods, pistols or any real weapons,” he said. “Throughout our planning of the mission we said: ‘no arms, no explosives’, we said we’d only resist politically, with normal means.””

But he at least admits to two men using violence – not like Israel’s Arab MK Zoabi, another criminal liar:

“An Arab member of the Israeli Knesset, Hanin Zoabi, who was on board the Mavi Marmara, said “not a single passenger …raised a club”.”

Er … hullo? What about those videos and Mr. Paech’s testimony, Ms Zoabi? What about “fighting back with makeshift weapons” the authors refer to – iron clubs, deck shares, etc.?
And so it goes – the Guardian trying to foist another “Jenin massacre” on a gullible public.

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