The Seumas Horror Picture Show

Reading Seumas Milne reminds me of the times when I was a kid and almost sensed myself growing up by feeling less and less scared of horror movies and haunted houses. It was like sliding on a scale moving from very scary to not scary but goofy. Though sometimes seeing a really creepy scene in the already “goofy” movie, striking me as if I were back at the top of the scale dreading each lead up moment in the film once more. Seumas is one of those movies. There is always one paragraph or sentence in the otherwise seemingly goofy pieces he offers to the CiF Haunted house which make me cringe and force me to seeing a mental picture of what the world would be like with people like Seumas  in charge. Or actually my world, I must admit selfishly, as there are already places which are run by people like Seumas or more precisely, people Seumas worships. Goofy places yet capable of the occasional burst of a frightening scene turning our ridicule quickly to dread, if for no longer than a single news cycle. Such was the North Korean kidnapping of the two Current TV reporters, snatched from China displayed like bounty by a very goofy regime  or the outbursts of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about wiping off and burning things ahead of some zombie imam awakening from centuries of slumber to rule the world and kill the Jews.
The B movie section of the news never ceases to entice us to dip our feet into the weirdness, often serving up that frightening scene once in a while.
A Seumas thread is like that speech by Nicolai Caucescou, the last one he made when his adoring crowd turned on him and revised the chant from “o great leader glorious party” to down with the bastard down with the tyrant“.
Moderation on Seumas threads is like a Caucescou regime. Posters are so afraid of criticizing him that I see often posts referring to him as Mr Milne. How goofy is that? Otherwise they descend into a mock fest of the author. A result mods are much too keen on avoiding. So instead of sparing us from Seumas, they hyper-moderate his threads.
Goofy is the way Seumas always takes his time adding his bit to a current event. His posts usually come late in the news cycle, when most facts are already out and a debate is already taking place. Still his posts are the most one sided and are ridiculously off-base, more likely to illicit laughter and eye rolls than an actual desire to respond.
Until the first frightening statement appears.

“they have just shot dead at least nine unarmed human rights activists and wounded dozens of others while suffering no fatal injuries themselves.

Seumas doesn’t take the side of the one who does not self sacrifice. Seumas needs bodies to consider debating an issue. He is one of those old school remnants of a movement which worships stories of self sacrifice. Israel did not contribute to the dying (though two soldiers were seriously injured and would have been killed had they not shot those who attacked them) so therefore their side is not believable. Only the dead speak the truth. So in Seumas’ world, suicide terrorism and ambitions of martyrdom will always garner his sympathy. This is why many supported the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Because more Soviets died in the war than Allies. The fact that perhaps Stalin may have had anything to do with those scary figures escapes them as probably Stalin’s ideology convinced them that those were “self sacrifices”. Poor Ivans running toward German fire without helmets as they were shot at by their own from behind was “self sacrifice”. Much like probably how volunteers are picked in N Korea today.
Seumas should of course know better. Ambassador Richard Peck, no friend of Israel and member of the flotilla organizer group,  said also  that this mission was not properly executed and admitted on Canadian TV that ideas of martyrdom and confrontation with Israel have crept into the aid mission and have caused this incident.
Seumas doesn’t care about these witnesses. He prefers Hanin Zuabi, an Arab Knesset member (to whom Seumas refers to as Palestinian Israeli) who’s account he quotes in his suspiciously low on links article.

“a more credible picture started to emerge: of shooting even before the commandos landed, according to Haneen Zuabi, a Palestinian Israeli MP; of stun grenades, electric shocks, tear gas – and reports of bullet wounds to the head.”

A more credible image. This from a woman, who praised the Iranian nuclear program in the Israeli Knesset (something she is allowed to do in Israel, the savage apartheid rogue state).
In Turkey people go to jail for “Insulting Turkishness”
Seumas then goes on about how right Erdogan is and praises Viva Palestina, who were kicked out of Egypt earlier this year for causing the death of an Egyptian soldier,  then brings up yet another jolt inducing statement:

We were told, after all, that the people of Gaza were being subjected to this treatment because of Hamas rocket-fire into Israel. For more than a year since Israel’s devastation of the strip in 2008-09, Hamas has maintained an effective ceasefire and the rocket launchers have been mostly silent”

Mostly silent. Again Seumas wants blood. He feels that not enough Jews are dying or are injured to justify a blockade which is directly responsible for the dip in rocket attacks. Seumas wants those rockets to fire again. He doesn’t want ships to be even searched because Turkey has already inspected them. The inspection which missed the Yemei Jihadis and the suicidal fanatics. Just for his information, mostly silent meant that from just after January 18th 2009 and up through February of that year, rocket attacks were occurring daily. So just right there, we are looking at 25-30 rocket attacks. Seumas doesn’t count mortars of course, why would he because adding them to those “silent” rockets results in a total of 280 attacks on Israel since the end of Cast lead. 280.  This doesn’t include rockets and mortars fired this year. So 280 in less than a year is “mostly silent” for Seumas. This is almost one per day. I wonder what hatred or deep seethed issue on the part of Seumas compels him to lie like this. He is a sick individual. It is also obvious that Seumas will never understand the other side. He is too far gone. His hatred is beyond Israel also. He wouldn’t express more mercy at dying Americans or probably Brits either if they died at the hands of radicals he sympathizes with. He showed no mercy to the countless Iranians a year ago who were shot, beaten, raped and crushed by Ahmedinejad’s thugs. Seumas called them burgeois spoilers of a democratic victory by a terrorist theocracy. He condemned UN diplomats for boycotting Ahmedinejads Holocaust denying tirade.
This takes me right back to that mental image. What kind of a world we would live in where media people would be no more than abject propaganda tools of evil ideologies, cults of death and absolute deception. Such is the contribution of Seumas to journalism.
Of course there are lighter moments when Seumas becomes once more that entertaining clown telling stories so ridiculous that we almost forget the morbid thoughts he conveyed a few paragraphs above:

” Sanitation has broken down, the economy has collapsed, 80% of the population are on UN subsistence handouts, and postwar reconstruction is impossible because Israel has blocked the supply of cement – along with anaesthetics, baby formula, books, fresh meat, canned fruit and donkeys. If the underground steel wall now being constructed by the US and Egypt on the Egyptian-Gaza border is effective, even Gaza’s lifeline of tunnels will be shut down.”

Israel bans donkeys, anaesthetics, meat and baby formula. Right out of Saddam Hussein’s school books.
Sanitation did break down in Gaza because once shipments of rockets from Iran and Syria were blockaded, those industrious democrats of Hamas startedusing piping to make more rockets.

To close his newest hack job on Israel and civilization, Seumas calls for more martyrdom and praises death once more.

“What is certain is that while some will have been intimidated by the Israeli military’s violence, many more volunteers will now try to bring boatloads of aid to Gaza to widen that breach. The denial of Palestinian rights has become a great moral as well as political cause of our time. If relief for Gaza’s people is even a step nearer, the victims of the Mavi Marmara will not have died in vain.”

A political cause of our time ! The martyrs of Mavi Marmara have succeeded for Seumas. He demands their death to have a purpose for he sees death as a tool for political discourse. What world is that Seumas world.

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