A flotilla witness condemned by her own words

This is a guest post by AKUS
One of the concerns Israel has about an investigation, which I do not share, is that it will be biased against Israel in the same way as the Goldstone report was with respect to Cast Lead. The video evidence is so compelling, and the reports by witnesses so revealing of what actually happened, that Israel should be heading the demands for an investigation.
Here is one example:
This radio interview reveals a “witness”, U.S. Army Colonel (ret.), Ann Wright, squirming, wriggling, humming and hawing as it gradually emerges that like Sergeant Shultz from the program Hogan’s Heroes she heard and saw nothing. She finally admits she wasn’t even on the Mavi Marmara after retelling what happened there!

‘Witness’ to Flotilla ‘Murder’ Admits She Was on Another Boat

Lerner: Col. Wright I just want to make sure again – so you actually were on a different boat and did not witness the attack firsthand.
Wright: That’s correct.
Lerner: So your witnessing is based on the information that you are getting from the other folks who were there.
Wright: My witness will be specifically what happened on our ship, the Challenger. And then I can comment on what happened in the very first three or four minutes as the Israeli commandos were trying to board the ship. We saw that from the stern of the ship. But after that that’s when my witnessing from my own eyes of what happened on that ship would end.

She must be the only person in the world with an interest in this matter, apparently eager to give evidence in an investigation, who can claim that she has not seen the videos of the preparations by the IHH to attack the Israeli SEALs. Nevertheless, she is on a speaking tour of sorts for “Code Pink”, and being interviewed on a program connected to “Code Pink” designed to vilify Israel. Listen to her on this video clip at 4:28 as she explains to a gullible interviewer exactly what happened – she claims the Captain of the Mavi Marmara and the leader of the IHH group tried to prevent the violence inflicted on the SEALs – except that, of course,

1. She was not on the Mavi Marmara to see what she recounts as fact;
2. She is at best parroting the stories told by passengers on the ship who the IHH had herded below so that they could not witness what was happening and could then claim that they saw no preparations for violence;
3. The Captain and Chief Officer, who were there, in their debrief to Israeli intelligence, tell exactly the opposite story – that the IHH prepared for and instigated the violence despite their efforts to persuade the IHH not to attack the SEALs

I doubt the “prosecution” will be calling U.S. Army Colonel (ret.), Ann Wright as a reliable witness. Moreover, this imaginative witness is a disgrace to the U.S. Army.

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