This is a guest post by AKUS
From the horrifying article, Burkas and bikinis , by Priyamvada Gopal which tried to draw a parallel between cutting off the nose and ears of an Afghan girl with bikini waxing:


To borrow SantaMoniker’s words, this was an utterly disgusting deletion by the Guardian.
There is a gaping void where the Guardian’s morals should be and it should have removed the article, not comments condemning it and its revolting author.
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A gaping void at The Guardian
This is a guest post by AKUS
From the horrifying article, Burkas and bikinis , by Priyamvada Gopal which tried to draw a parallel between cutting off the nose and ears of an Afghan girl with bikini waxing:
To borrow SantaMoniker’s words, this was an utterly disgusting deletion by the Guardian.
There is a gaping void where the Guardian’s morals should be and it should have removed the article, not comments condemning it and its revolting author.
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Tom Faber’s piece drives younger Guardian readers towards a hatred of Israel.
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