CiF Watch under attack!

CiF Watch is continuing to repel an assault from a gang of crude, unrepentant anti-Semites on our comment section, beneath the post entitledTime Magazine: The New Anti-Semitism Goes Front Page.”   While I’ve been diligently washing the filth off our comment floor, sadly, the assault is still in progress, and the nauseating stench from their hate strewn rhetoric still remains.

Here’s a sampling of the temporary infestation: (I’ve added some imagery to help our poor anti-Semitic friends further develop their crude stereotypes)

From what we can tell, it appears that commenters have come via a 9/11 conspiracy site, called “What Really Happened?”

On Jewish persecution of Christians through the ages (the “Christian Shoah”)

Jews are inhuman

On sinister Zionist indoctrination, and control of the world

The Jews were responsible for 9/11

As a Jew…

Jews (oops, sorry, “Zionists”) own the media

Jews enslave non-Jews

Jews as threats to “whites”

A threat to Jews that “our time is coming”

an iconic photo from anti-Semitic protest at the 2001 Durban Conference

Jewish blood lust

Jews idolize money

Image from the book, Der Giftpilz (The Poison Mushroom), which was published in 1938 by Julius Streicher

Stay tuned.  As of the time of this posting, the battle on our comment thread  was still raging.

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