I guess I’m old enough that, when a colleague and I first strategized about a CiF Watch Newsletter, the first image that came to my mind was the typed 8 1/2 x 11, xeroxed, dry and dull company 2 pager – something to update employees and stockholders on the performance of the company, along with a human interest story and even a recipe.
But, then it dawned on me. It wasn’t 1975, and CiF Watch doesn’t have stockholders or even, per se, employees.
It took some time to get used to, but I’ve since come around to the digital age, and want to take this time to shamelessly ask that you register for our free monthly E-Newsletter – which will keep our loyal readers up to date on CW’s efforts to expose how the Guardian continues to play a leading role in mainstreaming anti-Semitism and the delegitimization of Israel.
It’s a modest start, perhaps, but something to help us achieve our mission, while I try to create interest in our Initial Public Offering (IPO).