What the Guardian won’t report: Official Palestinian newspaper accuses Israel of seeking the destruction of humanity

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, of Palestinian Media Watch, highlighted an article which appeared in an official Palestinian Authority newspaper which described Israel this way:

Israel is a country –

“whose aim is destruction and ruin of humanity”
“which disseminates destruction, ruin and weapons in the world”
“which acts to kill nations, to threaten them and to occupy their land”
“which acts to disseminate the culture of hatred & racism among humans”

The article also denied the legitimacy of Israel’s existence when it labeled the Israeli Carmel Mountains “the occupied Palestinian Carmel Mountains.”

Oh yeah, and this article appeared in the sports section of the official PA daily!

So, what we have here is: Hatred? Racism? Intransigence? An impediment to peace?

Banish such thoughts!

It obviously must have something to do with the “settlements.”

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