What the Guardian won’t report: Palestinian PM Honors terrorist bombers, then condemns terror bombing

This report, by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik at Palestinian Media Watch, about a Palestinian leadership which often condemns attacks on Israelis while speaking in English to the Western media, but routinely glorifies such terrorist violence when speaking to their own citizens in Arabic, is among the most important political dynamics feeding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, yet is virtually ignored by The Guardian and most of the MSM.

Palestinians in Al-Bireh, abutting Ramallah, decorating a town square with a poster depicting terrorist Dalal al-Mughrabi, March 13, 2011.

On Wednesday afternoon, Palestinian Authority Prime Minster Salam Fayyad condemned as “terror” the bomb at a Jerusalem bus stop that killed one woman.

On Wednesday morning, Fayyad honored Palestinian women terrorists, including two who drove suicide bombers to terror attacks killing five. He also honored a terrorist who placed a bomb in a bus station, an action identical to the one he condemned just a few hours later.

Fayyad condemned Jerusalem bombing Wednesday afternoon:

“I condemn this terror operation in the harshest terms, no matter who stands behind it.”

Fayyad praised Palestinian terrorists Wednesday morning:

“I will not fail to mention with honor and admiration the resolve of the female prisoners, the fighters, and of all the prisoners of freedom who are imprisoned in the Israeli prisons, experiencing indescribable suffering. This requires that all of us intensify the effort to ensure their liberation from the occupation’s chains and from the abuse of its [Israel’s] executioners.”

In a radio speech, Fayyad then specifically named the following terrorists:

  • Qahira Al-Sa’adi, who drove suicide bomber to attack killing 3 in Jerusalem in 2002.
  • Irena Sarahneh, who drove suicide bomber to attack killing 2 and injuring dozens, in Israeli city Rishon LeZion in 2002.
  • Iman Ghazawi, who in 2001 placed a bomb at the central bus station in Tel Aviv that was discovered before it exploded.
  • Latifa Abu Zara’a, who in 2003 smuggled a bomb into Israel for suicide terror attack that was uncovered before it was implemented.

Read the full post, here.

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