Jonathan Freedland’s refreshingly lucid defense of Israel, and criticism of those who continue, despite all the evidence, to defend the Goldstone Report (CiF, April 7), elicited a very large volume of reader comments – many expressing a visceral animosity towards the Jewish state that’s become one of the defining features of those who subscribe to the Guardian’s ideology. Here’s a sampling.
Israel is a uniquely cruel and self-righteous nation. Her supporters abroad are more loyal to Israel than their own nation: Dual Loyalty Charge. (319 Recommends)
The world only accepts Israel’s uniquely brutal behavior due to (presumably post-Holocaust) guilt. (180 Recommends)
Israel has committed “near genocide” against the Palestinians (284 Recommends)
Israel is a “settler colonial state”. The media are dominated by pro-Israel propaganda. (55 Recommends)
Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians set it apart from other injustices in the world. Jews, who were once victims, are now victimizers. (67 Recommends).
Israel, like racist institutions and nations of the past, will eventually be defeated and cease to exist.