Tell Amnesty NO to MEMO event!

H/T Harry’s Place

As Israelinurse noted previously, Amnesty International is hosting an event on May 23 entitled “Complicity in Oppression: Does the Media Aid Israel?” which is being co-organized by the openly Islamist group, MEMO. 

Per Israelinurse:

Daoud Abdullah, who is the director of MEMO as well as deputy secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and a senior researcher for the Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Palestinian Return Centre, has two major claims to fame. The first is his lead of the MCB’s boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK. The second is his signing of the Istanbul Declaration which potentially endorsed terrorism against British service personnel.

Senior editor of MEMO is Ibrahim Hewitt, who also heads ‘Interpal’ – the charity which has been the subject of three investigations by the Charity Commission and named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial in the United States, as well as having been banned in Israel because of its Hamas connections.

That Amnesty would even consider hosting an event organized by such extremists is highly disturbing and, as with their alliance with Moazzam Begg, a supporter of the Taliban, demonstrates how far the once respected international human rights group  has fallen. 

We ask that you consider signing the following petition asking Amnesty to cancel the event.

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