Robin Shepherd: Guardian group leads UK charge on reckless Palestinian bid for unilateral statehood

The following passage, in a Sept. 18th pro-UDI editorial, A Palestinian state is a moral right, in The Observer, sister publication of the Guardian, is a true classic:

The case for a Palestinian state is unanswerable and must be supported in the west… [emphasis mine]

Thankfully, Robin Shepherd dares to answer the “unanswerable”.

Shepherd argues, in a recent piece at The Commentator, in response to the Observer editorial and the broader efforts by the Guardian to champion Palestinian UDI: 

“No mainstream media outfit in the Western world has been more hostile to Israel than the Guardian group. On Sunday it ramped up the vitriol yet again. Stupidity or bigotry? Take your pick.”

I would personally choose both stupidity and bigotry, and Shepherd clearly concurs:

Regarding the former:

Anyone but a fool can see that this is a blatant attempt to avoid direct negotiations with Israel so as to obviate the need for the kind of concessions that meaningful negotiations always entail.

And, regarding the latter:

And anyone but a bone-headed imbecile or an implacable anti-Zionist can see that the whole enterprise is fraught with extreme dangers both for Israel itself and for the peace and stability of the entire region.

Read the rest of Shepherd’s superb take-down of the Guardian’s pro-UDI logic, here.

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