Guardian Newspeak pro-Palestinian Headline of the Day

H/T Margie

(Guardian Newspeak: closely based on English but with greatly reduced vocabulary by the removal or words, narratives, constructs or headlines which accurately distinguish between free societies and tyrannies or which reveals Palestinian/Arab hostility to Israel’s existence. The ultimate aim of Guardian Newspeak is to make any alternative pro-Israel thinking a “thoughtcrime”, or “crimethink”.)

The headline of this report by the Guardian’s Harriet Sherwood and Chris McGreal is something which could have been published by the state run Palestinian media:

Yes, the magnanimous Mahmoud Abbas, a man so committed to peace he’s willing to overlook the snub he received at the hands of a U.S. President who dared to condemn the very terrorism and antisemitic incitement which the Palestinian President himself foments. 

Evidently, when Abbas repeatedly honors terrorists who murdered innocent Israeli civilians, refuses to recognize the existence of a Jewish state, and advances bizarre anti-Zionist conspiracy theories, it only appears, to the untrained non-Guardian eye, that he’s obstructing peace and reconciliation with Israel.

Only those well-schooled in the Guardian Left’s sophisticated, ideologically-conditioned, syntax can understand that when Palestinians praise terror, they’re really praising peace; when they refuse to recognize the existence of a Jewish state, they’re really upholding the values of tolerance and diversity; and when they propagate conspiracy theories they’re really elevating the debate.

In short: “War is Peace” Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength.” 

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