Guardian contributor Ben White is well known for having built a career based upon his dedication to promoting anti-Israel falsehoods in print and through his activities in almost any and every organisation devoted to the anti-Israel cause, including the BDS movement for which he actively campaigns.
On April 22nd the Guardian rather curiously published a letter from Ben White on its letters page, apparently indicating that the particular section is not only a forum for the general public’s expression of opinions and ideas, but also yet another venue for self-promotion by Guardian writers.
“The four MPs who criticise the call for a boycott of Israel‘s National Theatre were poorly briefed (Letters, 21 April). To say that Habima is a “non-government affiliated theatre group” is an odd claim, given it is state-financed and has received £10,000 from Israel’s foreign ministry specifically for the planned performance at the Globe. It meets perfectly the criteria for boycott, following the Palestinians’ call for international support in achieving decolonisation.”
Ben White
Anyone not versed in the world of anti-Israel campaigning (and let’s be honest – that includes the majority of the public) coming across that letter might reasonably presume that Ben White is just an ordinary person from Cambridge. No mention is made of his Guardian affiliations, his personal involvement in the BDS campaign or his employment by the Amos Trust.
Neither is it made clear that whilst wearing his ‘electronic Intifada’ and ‘New Statesman’ hats, White has been busy promoting the campaign to boycott Habima to which he now lends supposedly disinterested and objective support.
The publication of White’s letter does, however, underscore two points.
One is the fact that the Guardian shows itself once again to be perfectly at ease with its role as enabler of those (including the BDS movement) who call for the dissolution of the Jewish State – exclusively among all sovereign countries.
The second is that the BDS movement may already be hearing the usual collective public yawn in response to its campaigns yet again if it has to resort to self-promoting sock-puppet style letters from Ben White on home echo-chamber territory.
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- How NOT to combat anti-Israel incitement on UK campuses. (
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