The hysterical Tweets of anti-Zionist “rock star” Ali Abunimah

Ali Abunimah is a Palestinian-American journalist, former ‘Comment is Free’ contributor and leader of the BDS movement who The Jewish Daily Forward designated a “rock star.

Abunimah, who’s an opponent of the existence of a Jewish state within any borders, has characterized Israel as a“supremacist” state, and approvingly cited those who compare Israeli behavior to that of Nazi Germany. 

Abunimah is also co-founder of the site, Electronic Intifada.

Abunimah, not surprisingly, isn’t quite able to contain his rage against the Zionist menace on Twitter.

While following the hashtag on the Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike (#palhunger) I came across the following pithy Tweets by Abunimah.

(Abunimah has blocked me from viewing his Tweets due to past Zionist apostasies, but those not banished can see his feed, here).

But, that Tweet was an exercise in self-restraint and sobriety compared to this:

Yeah, he’s got our number. Imprisoning Palestinians is the Zionist ‘reason d’être’, our founding principle, our driving passion.

We’re not motivated by the age-old Jewish desire to be ‘a free people in a free land’.  That whole thing about “Jewish self-determinism” is just a convenient ruse.  

Abunimah SO sees through us.

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