“[The Guardian] is the English-language newspaper least friendly to Israel on Earth.” – Jeffrey Goldberg
“No mainstream media outfit in the Western world has been more hostile to Israel than the Guardian group.” – The Commentator
“Concerns within the Jewish community and elsewhere regarding the Guardian, relative to other mainstream media outlets, have persisted for many years now – a situation that will probably worsen as the paper’s Comment is Free website grows. In 2011, the Guardian faced more accusations of antisemitism than any other mainstream UK newspaper.” – The Community Security Trust
Though not all anti-Zionism is informed by antisemitism, research has clearly demonstrated an overwhelming correlation between the two – a fact which informs the mission of this blog: combatting antisemitism and the assault on Israel legitimacy at the Guardian and ‘Comment is Free’.
Other than the launch of our sister site, BBC Watch, and our increased effectiveness as the result of our affiliation with CAMERA, one of the more interesting developments over the last couple of years has been our growing presence in the social media. As we will always count on our network of ‘Zionist conspiracists’ to make an impact, we ask that those of you following this site consider joining us ‘beyond the blog’.
So, ‘Like’ us on Facebook:
Glenn Greenwald at Marxism Conference: Defends Anwar Al-Awaki, calls 9/11 attacks minimal in scope (Video) http://t.co/6y9u48PkpV #Guardian
— CiF Watch (@CiFWatch) June 14, 2013
And, finally, especially if you see something in the Guardian that makes your blood boil, feel free to give us a ‘shout out’ the old-fashioned way, by emailing us at contactus@cifwatch.com.
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- Top 10 warning signs you may be a ‘Guardian Left’ anti-Semite (cifwatch.com)
- Martin Rowson: Israel lobby uses antisemitism to silence critics of Zionist brutality (cifwatch.com)
- CiF Watch prompts correction to Guardian story about (failed) BDS campaign against Israel (cifwatch.com)
- Arafat Jaradat and the Torture of Palestinian Prisoners the Media Won’t Report (algemeiner.com)