UNRWA Summer Camp: Planting the seeds of perpetual war against the Jews

H/T Israellycool

The following documentary by David Bedein about UNRWA children’s camps represents another example of how the UN agency ostensibly charged with caring for the few remaining refugees from the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli War (and, mostly, their descendents who have never set foot in historic Palestine), perpetuates the conflict.

As you watch this film (made up almost exclusively of interviews with children and instructors at UNRWA camps), those committed to two states for two peoples should ask themselves this:

How can any agreement be expected to bring genuine peace when Palestinian children are continually indoctrinated in jihad, martyrdom, and perpetual belligerence – values which, by definition, reject the existence of a Jewish state within any borders?

Peace isn’t made on paper, but among people – an intuitive understanding of human affairs which continues to elude so many.


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