The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages – August 25th-26th edition

BBC Arabic reports on Syrian patients in Israeli hospitals – but not in Arabic
After months of ignoring the subject of Syrian patients being treated in Israeli hospitals, the BBC finally got round to reporting the story – but not to its Arabic Service audiences. (BBC Watch)

BBC describes known terror finance man as ‘activist’
A senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad official with a record of terror financing is described by the BBC as an ‘activist’. (BBC Watch)

Israel’s most deadly war?
There are historical facts, and there are Gidon Levy’s facts. (Presspectiva)

3rd time’s a charm: CiF Watch prompts correction to Telegraph “correction” on refugees
After two unsuccessful attempts, The Telegraph finally published accurate information on the number of Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war. (CiF Watch)

The Little Activist that Could
A Canadian student’s reflections on the CAMERA Training Conference: “The day before my flight to Boston for training, I almost backed out.” (In Focus)

Middle East headlines in the Spanish speaking press
Headlines focus on Palestinians walking out of the negotiation process and Israel’s opinion about the Syrian conflict. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)





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