Not Boycotting. Terrified.
Ynet was quick to report on another cultural boycott. However the artist himself declared that he’s not boycotting – he’s terrified of BDS bullying (Presspectiva)
The Line That Turned Into A Border
Another instance of Ha’aretz “lost in translation” (Presspectiva)
BBC backgrounder on peace process erases twenty years of terror
A BBC Q&A article charts the Middle East peace process – without any mention of Palestinian terrorism. (BBC Watch)
BBC’s Knell amplifies Hamas propaganda, downplays its terror designation
The BBC reverts to form by presenting Hamas as a terrorist organization designated only by Israel. (BBC Watch)
Indy legitimises ludicrous charge that Israel is ‘ethnically cleansing’ Jerusalem
Population statistics in Jerusalem alone easily disprove the hyperbolic charge by pro-Palestinian propagandists that Israel is ‘ethnically cleansing’ Arabs from Jerusalem. (CiF Watch)
Jeff Jacoby at CAMERA Conference
Why be a proud Zionist? (in Focus)
The “bureaucracy” of media activism
The Spanish news agency Europa Press has come up with a formula to help it comply with its journalistic obligation to present balanced, impartial information. At least it seems to think so. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)
Middle East headlines in the Spanish speaking press
Headlines focus on Israel’s display of the Iron Dome and the threat of a Western attack in Syria. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)
Where’s the coverage?
Spanish media reported on the death of three Palestinians during a raid by Israeli border police in Qalandia checkpoint; but did not bother to report on the death of another man killed by Palestinian security forces. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)
Looking Forward to Advocate for Israel; 2013-2014 Academic Year
Reflections from a student on CAMERA and the student conference. (In Focus)