On our 4,000th post: Looking back at a few which went viral

We recently published our 4,000th post.  So, we thought it would be fun to look back at the five most popular posts since this blog was first launched in August of 2009. 

Here they are in order of popularity:

1. On the Guardian’s malign obsession with Israel:


2. On the Guardian’s “disproportionate” focus on Jews:


3. On contrasting reactions to offensive or racist cartoons:


4. Nepotism by Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger leads to an embarrassing reprimand


5.  The charge that Jews are engaged in “ethnic cleansing” in Palestine has as much empirical validity as the garden variety anti-Jewish  conspiracy theories advanced by extremists and their enablers:

fiveOn the occasion of our 4,000th post, we’d like to thank you – our supporters, volunteers, contributors and readers – for your loyalty over the years as we’ve continued ‘speaking truth to power’ in carrying out our primary mission: Combating antisemitism and the assault on Israel’s legitimacy at the Guardian and ‘Comment is Free’. 

Here’s looking forward to the next 4,000!

Adam Levick, Managing Editor

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