CAMERA monitors media coverage of Israel, Jan 10-27: BBC, NYT, CNN, Ha’aretz

Here’s our regular round-up of posts from CAMERA affiliated sites:

English Posts

AFP Gives New Life to Old Settlements (& Neighborhoods)
In the alternate reality in which Agence France Presse lives, Tel Aviv advocates settlement expansion, Israel approved the “new” settlements of Pisgat Zeev, Ariel, Har Homa, Efrat, Gilo, Beitar Illit and Ramat Shlomo. (Snapshots)

CAMERA Wins Hasby Award
CAMERA is delighted that popular blogger Elder of Ziyon has selected CAMERA has the 2014 winner of the Hasby Award in the category of Best Mainstream Media Watchdog. (Snapshots)

On Op-Ed Corrections, NY Times is 1 For 3
The Times corrects Ali Jarbawi’s claim that Sharon entered the Al Aqsa mosque, but has yet to correct the assertion that Israel controls all of Gaza’s borders and “built a wall around Palestine.” (CAMERA)

Where’s the Coverage? Fatah Official Calls for Resistance
Western media, which have demonstrated a keen interest when Israeli officials have criticized American efforts to advance a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, have reacted to a Palestinian official’s rejection of Secretary of State John Kerry’s efforts with . . . . resounding silence. (Snapshots)

AFP: Tel Aviv Pushes Settlement Expansion
Is the secular, liberal city of Tel Aviv, and Mayor Ron Huldai of the leftist Labor Party, secretly advocating settlement expansion? If so, Agence France Presse has a scoop! (Snapshots)

The NY Times and the Facts on the Wall
We were still waiting for The New York Times to correct factual errors in the Jan. 22 Op-Ed about Ariel Sharon by former Palestinian Authority official Ali Jarbawi, when we spotted yet another Times Op-Ed which botched the facts on Israel. (Snapshots)

Latest NY TimesAnti-Israel Hit Piece Requires Corrections
Writing in the Times of Israel, CAMERA’s Tamar Sternthal,examines Ali Jarbawi’s falsehoods along with many other media falsehoods about Ariel Sharon. (CAMERA)

CAMERA Prompts NY Magazine Correction on Sabra, Shatilla
CAMERA elicits a correction on an obituary for Ariel Sharon in New York Magazine which erroneously stated that Israeli soldiers carried out the killings in Sabra and Shatilla. (CAMERA)

Predictably, Sharon-Related Falsehoods Under Way
In New York Magazine, Caroline Bankoff claims that Israeli soldiers, not the Phalange militia, killed hundreds of Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Shatilla. (Snapshots)

With Ariel Sharon’s Death, Expect the Usual Falsehoods
With Sharon’s death the usual media falsehoods about him, for example regarding Sabra and Shatilla, or the sparking of the second intifada, will no doubt once again need to be debunked. (CAMERA)

CAMERA Clarifies About Reuters, Shuafat
CAMERA rescinds a correction request given that Reuters was referring to building plans in the Shuafat refugee camp and not in a separate Jerusalem neighborhood of the same name. (CAMERA)

In Sharon Coverage, NPR Skews
NPR’s Mike Shuster whitewashes Palestinian terrorism that emanated from Lebanon, and Emily Harris misleads on the Temple Mount and Sabra and Shatila. (Snapshots)

PBS, ‘Resistance Fighters,’ Women and Children
In an otherwise fair report, PBS whitewashes the Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israel during the 1950s which led to the formation of Ariel Sharon’s Unit 101. (Snapshots)

Review of Fall Semester 2013: Sgt. Benjamin Anthony at the University of Delaware
Read on to learn about Sgt. Benjamin Anthony’s Lecture at the University of Delaware. (in Focus)

Brooke Goldstein at CUNY Baruch College
Read on to learn about Brooke Goldstein’s Lecture at CUNY Baruch College. She is a human rights lawyer committed to raising awareness about and combating the indoctrination and recruitment of children for suicide terror operations, as well as other violent activities. Brooke also produced an award-winning movie entitled Martyr, which investigates juvenile suicide terror. (in Focus)

Building Peace at USF
A piece by the CAMERA Fellow at the University of South Florida, Danielle Haberer. (in Focus)

United Nations Human Rights Council: Is it legitimate?
The United Nations Human Rights Council doesn’t seem to care too much about the plight of the Syrians. Our CAMERA Fellow at UMass-Amherst writes about the legitimacy of this branch of the UN. (in Focus)

BBC exploits Sharon’s death for more promotion of second Intifada falsehood
BBC coverage both before and after the death of Ariel Sharon showed intensive promotion of the myth that his Temple Mount visit started the second Intifada. (BBC Watch)

Breaches of editorial guidelines in BBC WS ‘Newshour’ special Sharon broadcast
Just one hour after the announcement of the death of Ariel Sharon, the BBC World Service opened its coverage with defamatory remarks from Mustafa Barghouti. (BBC Watch)

CAMERA Partners with Drexel Hillel on Birthright Trip
CAMERA partners with Drexel Hillel to encourage Birthright students to get involved with Israel activity on campus. (in Focus)

Who is Edward Said and why is his picture on a mural at Cesar Chavez Center?
Kayla Wold, our Fellow at San Francisco State University, writes about the mural on her campus devoted to a man who wanted Israel destroyed. (in Focus)

5 Things to Fix in CNN’s ‘5 Things to Know’ on Sharon
In “Five Things to Know” about Ariel Sharon, CNN gets five things wrong, including his visit to the Temple Mount, the chronology of the 1967 war, Gaza’s history, and more. (CAMERA)

Clyde Haberman and the Siege Mentality
Departing New York Times Clyde Haberman harbors an intensive sense of personal siege, alongside his indignation at Israel ‘s siege mentality. Also, CAMERA offers a parting gift. (Snapshots)

The New York Times Guide to Peace Negotiations
A CAMERA column in American Thinker and Times of Israel provides examples demonstrating how the New York Times routinely casts Israel, but not Palestinians, as the obstacle to peace. (CAMERA)

Spanish Posts

Journalistic reaction: voluntary or involuntary?
A chain of events becomes news whenever Israel is involved. Israel’s involvement seems to spur journalists into action. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Based on reality
Taking off from an actual event, Euronews created a story that was more fictional than true. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

The importance of a headline
The Mexican newspaper El Informador apparently tried to create an alternative reality regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the use of a biased headline. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Who does not want to negotiate? 
The Spanish-speaking media seems to prefer to present a false scenario in which Israel , a priori, is the very “cause” of the conflict and, therefore, the “obstacle” to peace. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Negev Bedouin: what the Spanish speaking press didn’t tell
A backgrounder about the historical, legal and socio-economic context of the existing problem between the Bedouin of the Negev and the State of Israel. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

How to write an inaccurate text in a few steps
The headline of a report by the Argentinean news agency Télam presented as fact an allegation by the partisan NGO Peace Now that was refuted by official sources. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Middle East headlines in the Spanish speaking press
Read the headlines of the week in papers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, Venezuela and others.(ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Palestinian terrorists receive monthly salaries from Palestinian Authority, while the press remains silent
Palestinian terrorists with “blood in their hands” imprisoned in Israel receive a higher monthly income than Palestinian civil servants, but this doesn’t seem to be an interesting subject for any of the Spanish-speaking media when they talk about Palestinian prisoners. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Silence of the journalists
When it comes to reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there seems to exist a non-written canon among Spanish media, stipulating that nothing should be published that questions the “victimhood” of the Palestinians. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Definition and verdict
The Spanish speaking media, self-appointed judges, designate the disputed territories as “Palestinian territories”, feigning ignorance of the historical and legal facts. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

The Trial
The media coverage of Ariel Sharon’s death reveals that Israel, and its leaders, can always be blamed — even when the matter if accusations are completely false, as in Kafka’s novel. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

A journalist must tell readers what has actually happened, not what he believes should happen. But the latter is precisely the case in the Spanish newspaper El País, reporting on the death of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

So what does Mahmoud Abbas want to discuss with Israeli Leaders?
In recent statements, PA President Mahmoud Abbas has made it clear that he has no authority to negotiate peace with Israel. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Rewriting History
Spanish News Agency Europa Press shapes the facts surrounding the Arab-Israeli Conflict according to the Palestinian narrative. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Simplification and misrepresentation 
Argentinean news agency Télam whitewashes the actions of Palestinian terrorist groups, while simultaneously labeling the State of Israel as having “aggressive policies of reprisal”. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Where’s the coverage?
Spanish-speaking journalists have had enough time to notice the constant incitement against Israel by the Palestinians. This contradicts the notion that they are seeking peace with their neighbor. But the media prefers not to hear. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Taking sides
The Argentine news agency Télam has endorsed the Palestinian speech on the disputed territories, leaving aside the journalistic professionalism. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

For Europa Press, the Israeli version is unnecessary
The Spanish news agency reproduced as an unquestionable fact the statements of a Jordanian official regarding the rejection of Israel’s plans to build an airport in Israeli territory, while obviating the version of the Jewish State. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Hebrew Posts

Ma’ariv’s Archeological Discovery
Ma’ariv publishes a story on a newly found water tunnel. They apparently forgot that they already “just found” the same tunnel nine months ago. (Presspectiva)

Every Paper Has Their Own “Nazi”
The pictures used to illustrate the coverage of a suggested bill to prohibit some uses of the word “Nazi” reveal each paper’s own bias (Presspectiva)

Israeli Demography 101
What are the actual statistics about the Israeli birthrate? (Presspectiva)

Did Ariel Sharon Ignite the Second Intifada
Examining the claim that Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount is to blame for the Second Intifada (Presspectiva)

Ha’aretz Buys Into Palestinian Double Speak
Is a Ha’aretz editorial correct in claiming that no senior member of the Palestinian Authority has called for the destruction of Israel? (Presspectiva)

Did Netanyahu invent the demand that Israel be recognized as a Jewish state?
The short answer is no. The longer answer is still no. (Presspectiva)

What was the update to the Canadian policy paper regarding Israel?
Ha’aretz stresses the fact that Canada had just updated their policy paper on Israel. We checked what the changes were. The result may surprise you. (Presspectiva)

Why did President Truman cross out the words “Jewish State” from the USA recognition of Israel
The Palestinian Authority claims President Truman intentionally removed the words “Jewish State” from the US recognition of Israel. An Israeli paper repeated the lie without any fact-checking. The truth is a charming story from the first minutes of the new Israeli state. (Presspectiva)

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