British Labor Party Parliamentary candidate Vicki Kirby was suspended on Saturday by Party leaders after it emerged that she was responsible for a series of hateful Tweetsabout Israel. One tweet read:
“We invented Israel when saving them from Hitler, who now seems to be their teacher.”
Another claimed:
“Hitler might be the “Zionist God”
And, one pledged:
“I will never forget and I will make sure my kids teach their children how evil Israel is!”
Whilst The Sunday Times, theIndependent, the Daily Mail, the Mirror, and the Express all reported the story, the Guardian – not surprisingly – has thus far been silent on the row. Interestingly, the Guardian hasn’t shied away from covering other purported racisttweets by political figuresin recent years. Guardian, Nov. 5th, 2012 Guardian, Oct. 6th, 2013 Guardian, April 24, 2014
It appears that not all racist twitter rows are as newsworthy as others.
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Guardian silent about Labour candidate's suspension for racist tweets
British Labor Party Parliamentary candidate Vicki Kirby was suspended on Saturday by Party leaders after it emerged that she was responsible for a series of hateful Tweets about Israel.
One tweet read:
Another claimed:
And, one pledged:
Whilst The Sunday Times, the Independent, the Daily Mail, the Mirror, and the Express all reported the story, the Guardian – not surprisingly – has thus far been silent on the row.
Interestingly, the Guardian hasn’t shied away from covering other purported racist tweets by political figures in recent years.
It appears that not all racist twitter rows are as newsworthy as others.
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