"Neo-Nazi" does warm up act for anti-Israel author Max Blumenthal.

This is a cross-post by Richard Millett.
Dedicated anti-Israel polemicist Max Blumenthal came to Britain’s parliament  on Thursday and claimed that Israeli society was dominated by neo-Nazi mobs and Israeli politics by racist politicians. The irony being that, unless I was mistaken, one of the speeches just before Blumenthal’s talk was delivered by James Thring (see photos below).

According to the CST Thring is a “veteran far right activist”. According to Stand For Peace Thring is a “neo-Nazi”. And according to the Jewish Chronicle, quoting anti-fascist campaigners Searchlight, Thring “has been vocally supported by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke”.
Blumenthal then gave a 40 minute talk (see clips below) full of conspiracy theory in which he held Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu solely responsible for the tragic events of the summer.
Here is Blumenthal’s conspiracy theory:
Israel is a racist society in which non-Jewish African refugees and businesses have been attacked by right-wing mobs in scenes reminiscent of Kristallnacht and most Israelis agreed with an Israeli politician’s statement that Africans “were a cancer in Israel’s body”.
Netanyahu, under pressure from Naftali Bennet MK and Avigdor Lieberman MK, refused a third agreed Palestinian prisoner swap.
As a result Hamas and Fatah formed a unity government. Netanyahu was concerned by the international dynamics that favoured this unity government.
Three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped by Hamas activists but without direct Hamas authorisation. However, those kidnappings were probably only meant to spur on the third prisoner swap.
The Israeli public was not told what Netanyahu and Israel’s intelligence agencies knew; the Israeli teenagers had been immediately killed by their kidnappers. Netanyahu knew that gunshots had been heard during the mobile phone call to the Israeli police from one of the teenagers just after their capture.
Netanyahu launched Operation Brother’s Keeper with the declared aim of rescuing them, but with the real aim of rounding up as many of Hamas as possible.
Israelis started calling for revenge via social media. One of the teenager’s mothers was cynically sent to the UN to plead for her son’s safe return.
The bodies of the teenagers were found. Hamas is held responsible, despite Hamas being located in Gaza.
Mohammed Khdeir was burned alive by a group of Israelis. This murder was encouraged by Netanyahu’s original deception that the Israeli teenagers were still alive so allowing Israelis to be whipped up in a racist frenzy.
For example, Ayalet Shaked MK declared “we should slaughter Palestinian mothers to prevent them giving birth to little snakes” and a Bnei Akiva rabbi called for “300 Palestinians to be killed and their foreskins returned as proof”.
The stage was set for war.
Splinter factions, not controlled by Hamas, started firing rockets into Israel from Gaza. On July 7th Israel strikes the Hamas leadership in Gaza. On July 8th Hamas fired its “first official rockets” into Israel.
On July 9th Operation Protective Edge begins. Israeli teenagers via social media called for “the gas chambers for Palestinians” and complained that their summer plans had been ruined.
The ground invasion resulted in scenes worse than the 1948 “Nakba”: bodies of dead Palestinian children had to be stored in ice-cream coolers, a 60-year-old epileptic patient was blown out of their wheelchair, a man was shot in the leg and then left tied to a tree, a man was asked to take five steps forward before being shot in the back.
Israeli critics of Operation Protective Edge were attacked by right-wing mobs with neo-Nazi emblems on their T-shirts and dozens of these critics were forced out of their jobs.
Israeli newspaper Haaretz pays for a 24/7 bodyguard for their war critic columnist Gideon Levy.
Despite Blumenthal’s many distortions of the truth, and there are too many to go into, the main question that totally undermines his conspiracy theory is: How did Netanyahu know the three Israeli teenagers were already dead just because gunshots were heard during the phone call from one of them?
Meanwhile, here is my photo of James Thring at an anti-Israel rally during the summer:

And here he is the other night doing a warm up act at Blumenthal’s talk:

Below is Blumenthal’s talk in full (the volume increases soon after the beginning):
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhz-F0TMz_g&w=420&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsD3a08hsQE&w=420&h=315]

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