The blog Israellycool had a great post on Oct. 19th, noting a laughably inappropriate photo used by the Sunday Times (in their print and online editions) to illustrate a story about the fear of Ebola in the US.
The photo, Israellycool explained, was taken several years ago and depicted a religious Jew who briefly wrapped himself in plastic due to halakhic (Jewish law) concerns about Kohanim (descendents of the Biblical Aaron) flying over cemeteries.
The photo obviously has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to a story about American fears of Ebola.
So, CiF Watch emailed the complaint department of the Sunday Times shortly after the Israellycool post was published, provided them with some brief background on the photo, and asked that it be removed from the online edition of the article.
Today, we noticed that they photo was indeed removed without explanation.
As Israellycool suggested in their original post, perhaps they should learn how to check pictures before publishing.
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