Susan Abulhawa is an American anti-Israel activist and author of Mornings in Jenin, a book Bernard Henri Levy characterized as “a concentration of anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish clichés masquerading as fiction”.
Abulhawa, who contributes to Electronic Intifada, Mondoweiss and the pro-Hamas Middle East Monitor (MEMO), was recently featured in the Guardian in an article highlighting her work for a group called Playgrounds for Palestine (PfP).
Though the piece deals primarily with her work for PfP, the Guardian does briefly touch on her broader political outlook.
Her wider political view is never hidden though. “Those children are living like this because of brutal military occupation. Our work is just a plaster. Part of our mission is to put eyes on what is happening to Palestinian children. Unfortunately, though, criticising Israel has been conflated with antisemitism.”
Whilst you can get a good view of Abulhawa’s extremist views in her posts at EI, Mondoweiss and MEMO, which includes support for terrorism, we found it particularly interesting to take a look at her Facebook updates.
These provide a quite interesting mirror into her “wider political view”:
Zionist pressure and Helen Thomas
Diatribe directed at ‘hypocrites’ expressing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo victims
Tunnels in Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto
Israel and the “Nazi mentality”
Evoking comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany is of course considered antisemitic per the EUMC Working Definition of antisemitism and the definition published by the US State Department.
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