Sky News asks @AsgharBukhari his views on UK plan to fight extremism

Asghar Bukhari, a founding member and spokesperson for the extremist Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK), recently claimed on Facebook that Zionists broke into his home to steal one of his shoes, in order to drive him crazy – a form of Mossad psychological warfare, or something like that.  


Bukhari then doubled down on his bizarre rant, in several YouTube videos defending his views.

Though Bukhari had previously been a guest on the BBC and Sky News, you’d think that his widely mocked Zionist conspiracy theory would erode his credibility, especially on the topic of extremism.

Think again.

Sky News aired a segment today on the British government’s new plan to tackle extremism and radicalism – a five-year plan citing the need to reign in both violent and non-violent radical ideologies which “overpower moderate voices within the debate”.

(Pay attention at the 1:07 mark of the clip.)


Interestingly, Cameron, in his speech on fighting radicalization, noted that ideas “based on conspiracy that Jews exercise malevolent power or that Western powers, in concert with Israel, are deliberately humiliating Muslims, because they aim to destroy Islam”  can also “create a climate in which extremists can flourish.”

Perhaps someone should forward the memo to producers at Sky News.


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