Guardian article inadvertently demonstrates the malice of BDS

As we’ve often demonstrated, despite the best efforts of boycotters, Israel is thriving.  The economic impact of BDS on the state’s economy is extremely marginal.  However, not only do these facts about Israel’s success and resiliency fail to impress BDS activists, but they often seem breezily unconcerned with evidence suggesting that those most hurt by their movement are those they’re putatively attempting to help.

A recent Guardian report on the lay-offs of hundreds of Palestinians following the closure of Israeli-owned SodaStream’s West Bank factory, following a long boycott campaign, included an extraordinary quote by a BDS leader attesting to this indifference.


Nawajaa’s reaction to the loss of hundreds of well-paying Palestinian jobs speaks volumes about the malice and ideological extremism of his movement.  The real-world impact of their campaign on the lives of actual Palestinians seems to make no difference to them whatsoever. 

Indeed, the ideals of peace and co-existence represented by the Jewish-Arab harmony on display at SodaStream are necessarily antithetical to BDS’s primary objective: demonizing, isolating and delegitmizing the Jewish state. 

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