When democracies get along, ‘progressives’ are happy…unless one of them happens to be Israel

Israel-bashers like Sunny Hundal don’t like anyone getting on with Israel and will trash anyone who tries. No matter the benefits collaboration with Israel will bring to India – hi-tech interchange, leading edge water-management and other farming techniques, counter-terrorism intelligence sharing. The Israel-hater is willing to pay any price in other people’s misery.

A guest post by Joe Geary

When Narendra Modi, the leader of the world’s most populous democracy, pays the first visit by an Indian PM to the only functioning democracy in the Middle East, Israel, this rapprochement between democracies should be cause for celebration, no? Not for The Independent’s Sunny Hundal.

The elected Modi meeting the elected Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is a meeting of “authoritarian strongmen”, aka quasi fascists. They represent, apparently, a global threat to liberal democracies. Eh? Weren’t they actually elected in liberal democracies?

Skimming the rest of this ridiculous article, it seems that Modi and Netanyahu are Bond villains because they have both met and actually shaken the hand of the Prince of Darkness himself, Donald Trump. The current writer certainly holds no candle for this particular PotUS, but if this is the qualification, how many others have cloven hoofs? Is Theresa May the new Lucrezia Borgia? And what then of  Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto?

Or Merkel? Or Macron? Even the Bambi-faced ultra-liberal Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, who we all thought was the nicest man in the world, head of the world’s nicest nation, is really Beelzebub in disguise?

The bottom line is that Israel-bashers like Sunny Hundal don’t like anyone getting on with Israel and will trash anyone who tries. No matter the benefits collaboration with Israel will bring to India – hi-tech interchange, leading edge water-management and other farming techniques, counter-terrorism intelligence sharing. The Israel-hater is willing to pay any price in other people’s misery.

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