As we have frequently observed:
“For years visitors to the BBC News website have regularly come across claims concerning ‘international law’ in the corporation’s Israel-related content. For example:
“The settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.”
“More than 600,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel’s 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem – land Palestinians claim for a future state.
The settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.”
As has been noted here in the past, that more or less standard insert does not include a definitive cited source underpinning the claim of illegality and no explanation is given regarding the legal basis for alternative opinions to the one promoted. The claim is erroneously presented as being contested solely by the government of Israel, thereby erasing from audience view the existence of additional legal opinions which contradict the BBC’s selected narrative and thus breaching its own editorial guidelines on impartiality.”
An upcoming event in London organised by UK Lawyers for Israel is therefore of particular interest:
Details and tickets are available here.
Related Articles:
Quantifying BBC ‘due impartiality’ on ‘international law’