Robert Fisk: Politicians are “blackmailed” by false charges of antisemitism

Robert Fisk
Though he's referring to the American political debate, the accusation that supporters of Israel engage in false charges of antisemitism to silence criticism of the state is a smear used by many of Jeremy Corbyn's most ardent supporters to deflect charges that he's hostile to Jews. 

Robert Fisk’s latest anti-Israel diatribe at the Independent promotes a recent op-ed in the NY Times by academic Michelle Alexander – titled “Breaking the Silence on Palestine” – that was demolished by our colleague Tamar Sternthal.

You can read Sternthal’s piece here.

However, Fisk, among those who seriously believe there’s a “silence” about “Palestinians” to break, added his own take on Alexander’s ‘insights’ into the debate over the Israeli-Palestinian issue, including the following charge against those who support Israel.

Though he’s referring to American politics, the accusation that supporters of Israel engage in false charges of antisemitism to silence criticism of the state is a smear used by many of Jeremy Corbyn’s most ardent supporters to deflect charges that he’s hostile to Jews.  So, it’s not a stretch to conclude that Fisk may likely believe, for instance, that the 85% of British Jews who think Corbyn is indeed antisemitic are not genuinely concerned about the future of Jewish life in the country, but are, instead, acting in bad faith.

If Fisk wants to carefully refute specific charges of antisemitism leveled against some anti-Zionist ideologues he’s of course free to do so. But, it’s morally indefensible and intellectually lazy to not only blanketly dismiss the allegations, but also vilify such accusers by imputing sinister motives.  

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