BBC ignores revelation of Hizballah’s Golan network

BBC audiences have to date heard nothing about Hizballah operations on the border between Syria and Israel.

Members of the British public getting their news from the BBC (as opposed to, say, the Telegraph) will not be aware that on March 13th the IDF released information concerning Hizballah operations in the Syrian Golan.

credit: IDF

“Hezbollah has recruited dozens to hundreds of men to fight Israel from villages on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, and local people have begun gathering intelligence for the effort, Israeli defense officials said Wednesday. […]

The operation, known as the Golan File, is being run by Hezbollah commanders in Beirut. […]

The head of the Golan File is Abu Hussein Sajid, a Beirut-based operative familiar to intelligence sources. Sajid joined Hezbollah in 1983 and served in operational roles while Israeli forces were deployed in the security zone in southern Lebanon.

In 2006 he went to Iraq and led Hezbollah’s Iraqi division. In March 2007 he was captured by the Americans but was released by the Iraqi government in 2012.

Sajid, also known as Ali Mussa Daqduq, was held in Iraq over his role in the killing of five U.S. military personnel.

After his return to Lebanon, he was named responsible for training special Hezbollah forces. Last summer he was sent by the organization to Syria to advance the Golan File efforts.”

Sajid/Daqduq was designated by the US Treasury in 2012 as a result of his activities in Iraq.

The IDF provided members of the media with “Information for journalists – Exposure of the Golan terror network”.

Nevertheless, the BBC has to date chosen to ignore this story about the Lebanese terror organisation’s latest operations in a foreign country – despite domestic audiences having been told just last week that Hizballah’s activities are “not the same thing as terrorism”.

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