More disappearing Jews at the BBC

The BBC avoids explaining why there are 'only a handful' of Jews in Egypt.

On January 10th the ‘updates’ sections of the BBC News website’s ‘Middle East’ and ‘Africa’ pages promoted a short item (without a URL) in which audiences were told that:

“Alexandria was once home to tens of thousands of Jewish people”


“Alexandria was once home to tens of thousands of Jews – but only a handful now remain”.

No further information concerning that ‘disappearance’ of the ancient community of Jews in Alexandria was provided and BBC audiences would be unlikely to be able to fill in the blanks for themselves seeing as the last time they were given any (far from complete) information about the history of Egyptian Jews was in 2014:

BBC whitewashes 20th century Jewish emigration from Egypt

Reporting the same story, the Jerusalem Post noted that:

“Egypt reopened a restored historic synagogue on Friday in the coastal city of Alexandria, but only three local Jews were on hand at the ceremony.”

A timeline of the measures which led to the eradication of Egypt’s Jewish community is available here.


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