Indy fails to correct false claim Israel was rebuked by UN Security Council

It’s been ten days since our complaint to the Independent, but editors still haven’t corrected a false claim that the UN Security Council condemned Israel over the eviction of Bedouins from an encampment in the Jordan Valley.

Here’s the relevant sentence in the Indy article (“UN condemns Israel over ‘grave breach’ of international law after biggest demolition of Palestinian homes in decade, Nov. 9):

Israel has been rebuked by the United Nations for carrying out widespread demolition of Palestinian homes, the largest in the occupied West Bank for more than a decade.

the security council are calling the demolition a “grave breach” of the Fourth Geneva Convention – international law that protects civilian populations in occupied territories.

However, there was no UN Security Council resolution condemning the eviction.  Nor was there even a UN General Assembly resolution criticising Jerusalem.

The criticism came merely from a UN spokesperson.

In addition to the Indy’s failure to respond to this error, they also haven’t responded to another complaint we posted about on Nov. 9th.  This complaint was in response to a bizarre and completely unsubstantiated claim by Borzou Daragahi that Israel launched Operation Cast Lead in 2008 not to stop Hamas rockets, but to tie the hands of the incoming Obama administration.

We sent a follow-up email today asking for a response to both complaints.

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  1. says: Neil C

    Anti-Jewish and anti-Israel supporters still, to this day, claim that Jews control the world press when in reality, it is controlled by supporters of Islam and Iran otherwise, none of the above garbage could ever reach distribution to their gullible readers

  2. says: dan ehrlich

    the liberal media needs an underdog, just as labour does….jews used to be the underdog…but now they are seen as masters and the pals as underdogs…you just have to accept that’s how they will always be.

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