Weekend long read

1) At the INSS Yoel Guzansky and Sarah J Feuer analyse ‘The Abraham Accords at One Year’.

“A little more than a year has passed since the Abraham Accords were signed and official relations began between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain; Morocco and Sudan joined the normalization process soon after. This milestone invites an interim assessment: how have the understandings on normalization been implemented in each of the countries? How can existing ties be strengthened so that they yield their maximum potential? Might other countries be encouraged to join these historic agreements?”

2) The JCPA has published a paper by Lea Bilke and Alan Baker explaining how ‘Israel’s Designation of Six Terrorism-Linked NGOs Was in Full Accordance with International Law’.

“On October 22, 2021, Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz designated six Palestinian NGOs as terror organizations that are linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The PFLP is recognized as a terrorist organization by Israel, the EU, the United States, and other countries, as it was involved in airplane hijackings in the 1970s, attacks against Israelis in the Second Intifada, the 2014 murder of five Israeli worshippers at a synagogue in Jerusalem, and many more attacks on Jews world-wide. Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the terror arm of the PFLP, maintains operational cooperation with Iran and Hezbollah. Furthermore, the PFLP is a principal partner in the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces (PNIF), the umbrella organization for Palestinian terror groups.”

3) The FDD has a podcast ‘Revisiting the 2021 Gaza War’ with Jonathan Schanzer and former IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus.

“In 2005, Israelis withdrew from Gaza – every soldier, every farmer, every synagogue, every grave. It was an historic land-for-peace experiment – and it failed.

In May, Hamas began firing missiles at Israeli cities, towns, and villages, sparking the fourth intense armed conflict since Hamas defeated Fatah and began ruling Gaza.

Many in the international media blamed Israel more than Hamas – despite the fact that it was Hamas that attacked; despite the fact that Hamas used human shields, a clear violation of international and U.S. law; despite the fact that Hamas’ intentions toward Israelis are openly and unambiguously genocidal.”

4) Brian Whitaker documents ‘The ‘Echo Chamber’ of Syrian Chemical Weapons Conspiracy Theorists’ at Newlines magazine.

“Under international pressure following the Ghouta attack, Syria joined the Chemical Weapons Convention, but that did not put an end to chemical attacks. During the next few years dozens more were reported, mostly involving chlorine but sometimes sarin. The deniers, eager to blame someone other than the Assad regime, claimed rebels were faking the attacks in an effort to falsely incriminate the regime and thus create a pretext for full-scale military intervention by Western powers.”


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