1) The ITIC has documented ‘Incitement and encouragement for terrorist attacks in Hamas TV shows during Ramadan’.
“Hamas’ media department series for Ramadan 2023, called “The path of sacrifice,” was devoted to Palestinian terrorist operatives who carried out attacks. Their objective was to ramp up anti-Israeli incitement and encourage terrorist attacks in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and inside Israel. Following Hamas policy, the incitement was aimed not only at its own operatives but at the operatives of all the armed terrorist organizations, as well as Palestinians who have no organizational affiliation and on their own initiative attack with simple, easily available weapons, such as knives and vehicles. The series’ emphasis was on terrorist attacks in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and inside Israel without reference to terrorism from the Gaza Strip.”
2) At the INSS Orna Mizrahi and Yoram Schweitzer analyse Israel’s deterrence opposite Hizballah.
“Deflecting responsibility onto Palestinian factions serves the interests of Hezbollah, which enjoys the best of both worlds: on the one hand, it exposes Israel’s vulnerability and allows it to argue that Israel has been deterred by Hezbollah’s military strength; on the other hand, denying direct involvement ostensibly protects it from any Israeli response. Nasrallah’s growing sense of confidence of late poses a complex challenge for Israel: how to bolster its deterrence vis-à-vis Hezbollah and Hamas in Lebanon, without escalating the situation to an all-out conflict.”
3) At the Fathom Journal, Ben Dror Yemini provides ‘A Modern History of Palestinian Rejectionism’.
“For decades, many people, for good and bad, have been spreading the narrative that if only Israel would be a little more generous, and if only the Americans brokered a serious peace agreement, peace was within reach. For the bad, this stems from the desire to blame Israel for all world crimes. For the good, this is due to a sincere and genuine desire for peace, mixed with a lack of knowledge, or reluctance to know, or self-deception of those who struggle to reconcile the gap between beliefs and desires on the one hand and facts on the other.”
4) On May 21st UKLFI will be holding a webinar titled “International Law-Tailor Made for Israel” with Professor Robbie Sabel.
“The essence of law is that it provides rules that apply to all situations within their scope. However, Israel often seems to be treated differently to other States under international law. In this webinar, Prof Robbie Sabel – former legal adviser of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomat, academic and author (most recently of “International Law and the Arab-Israeli Conflict”) – will examine whether international law is being twisted to denigrate and discriminate against Israel.”
Details and registration here.