Guardian retracts false and incendiary accusation

Nothing at the Guardian shocks us anymore, particularly after the Oct. 7th massacre. The outlet’s coverage since the antisemitic mass murder, rape, torture and mutilation in southern Israel has been effectively pro-Hamas – propagandistic output which not only gives the terror group a pass, but often includes the promotion of the most incendiary, vilifying and false accusations about Israel.

The Guardian is among those media outlets guilty of adopting a morally perverse framing that Matti Friedman described recently as “a war launched by Muslim fundamentalists” being “recast with global success as a story of Jewish brutality, influence, and mendacity“.

Though we’re under no illusions that the outlet’s institutional hostility to, and bias against, Israel – and, sometimes, to Jews qua Jews – will change, we’re nonetheless determined to keep on fighting back, by continuing to expose and challenge the instituion on their ubuiquitous, ideologically-driven distortions and lies about the Jewish state.

As such, we recently complained to the Guardian about a op-ed by Buthaina Subeh, the director of the Wefaq Association for Women and Childcare, (‘Gaza is hell for aid workers – and it’s doubly hard if you’re a woman’, Sept. 4), which included the following:

Wefaq volunteers…saw young men being buried alive in the cemeteries in Khan Younis; we feared our children would face the same.

Subeh’s wild charge is based entirely on a Hamas accusations back in April which was quickly exposed as disinformation, concerning the alleged ‘discovery’ of mass graves in the grounds of the Nasser and Shifa hospitals in Gaza.

Though we don’t receive replies to most of our complaints, we did in this case, and editors removed the the sentence in question – and added the following note, which, as you can see, still grants credibility to Hamas’s crude propaganda.

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1 Comment

  1. says: Grimey

    The Grauniad is a disgusting antisemitic rag funded by the Trade Union movement with, fortunately, a tiny circulation. That said, now that the UK has a Trade Union government (foolishly election-supported by some Jewish vote), its influence will only increase.

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