BBC Verify misinformation on location of Israeli town corrected

Last week we noted that a report by the BBC’s fact-checking and “anti-disinformation” department BBC Verify misled readers on the topic of the location of the town of Majdal Shams:

“The report goes on to promote links to previous BBC reporting from the same area, while misleading readers with the inaccurate claim that Majdal Shams is located “within the buffer zone”: [emphasis added]

“The BBC has previously filmed military forces near the town of Majdal Shams, which is within the buffer zone and around 5.5km from the new construction.”


CAMERA UK submitted a complaint to the BBC on that matter and four days later received the following response:

“Many thanks for getting in touch. I’m sorry you were unhappy with our coverage on this occasion.

I understand your concern that the article stated Majdal Shams was in the buffer zone when you state it is not.

The team have since corrected the relevant line to state the following: “The BBC previously filmed military forces at the Alpha Line near the town of Majdal Shams. This is around 5.5km from the new construction identified within the buffer zone.”

They have also added a correction note for transparency: “Correction 29 January: This story has been updated to clarify information around where the BBC previously filmed military forces near the town of Majdal Shams, which is located in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.””

The amended version of the report reads as follows:


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