What is CAMERA on Campus UK?

University campuses are increasingly becoming arenas for propagandistic attacks against Israel. Distorted literature, extreme speakers, and false, inflammatory imagery are common, creating harmful misperceptions about Israel. This hostile atmosphere can intimidate students who seek fair and objective information on Middle Eastern issues.

CAMERA offers support to students through the CAMERA on Campus Coalition and CAMERA Fellowship programmes, detailed below.
These initiatives include guidance on finding and engaging speakers or films, planning and executing events, funding student groups, and addressing Middle East distortions in campus publications, leaflets, rallies, and classrooms. Students are equipped to courageously and publicly defend Israel against hostility and misinformation on their university campuses.
CAMERA on Campus UK adheres to CAMERA’s core values:

  • An unwavering belief in Zionism and the cause of Israel.
  • The absolute necessity of truth-telling about Israel and confronting falsehoods at every turn.
  • The need to speak the truth publicly, with knowledge and confidence.

UK Programming

CAMERA on Campus UK Fellowship

The CAMERA Fellowship is a prestigious, selective one-year programme. Fellows are campus leaders dedicated to promoting accurate information about Israel among students, academics, and the media. Students from the UK, North America, and Israel are chosen based on their deep understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel’s history and current affairs, campus activism experience, and a portfolio of published work. UK Fellows receive a stipend of £750 upon successful completion.

General Track

  • Regularly monitor campus media, classrooms/professors, and anti-Israel events.
  • Attend Israel-related events, take notes, and engage with questions.
  • Publish three articles.
  • Host three events (a welcome event, an educational event, and a workshop).
  • £750 stipend upon completion.
  • Opportunity to attend the International Student Leadership Conference.
Writing Track
  • Regularly monitor campus media, classrooms/professors, and anti-Israel events.
  • Attend Israel-related events, take notes, and engage with questions.
  • Publish four articles.
  • Host two events (a welcome event and a workshop).
  • £750 stipend upon completion.
  • Opportunity to attend the International Student Leadership Conference.
Events Track
  • Regularly monitor campus media, classrooms/professors, and anti-Israel events.
  • Attend Israel-related events, take notes, and engage with questions.
  • Host four events (a welcome event, two educational events, and a workshop).
  • Publish two articles.
  • £750 stipend upon completion.
  • Opportunity to attend the International Student Leadership Conference.

To apply for the fellowship

CAMERA on Campus Coalition
Amid rising anti-Israel rhetoric on campuses, the CAMERA on Campus Coalition provides educational and financial resources to student activists who wish to create a new Israel society or strengthen an existing but underfunded group.
Supported groups receive funding for speakers, films, and other programming. CAMERA’s guidance and resources enable students to build effective, independent Israel societies on campus. Members acquire lifelong skills in debate, writing, and public speaking and benefit from collaboration with CAMERA scholars. Students also receive intensive training at CAMERA’s fully funded International Student Leadership Conference in Boston, where they connect with an international network of like-minded activists.

UK Campus Staff
Christina Harrison
Christina is the Manager of CAMERA UK and oversees CAMERA on Campus UK. Born in Scotland to Canadian parents, she holds a BA from the University of Glasgow and an MA from Tel Aviv University, where she deepened her involvement in Israel advocacy. With over five years of experience, Christina previously worked at the Embassy of Israel in London as Assistant for Inter-communal Affairs. In March 2020, she returned to Scotland and reopened the Centre for Scotland and Israel Relations on behalf of the Embassy of Israel to the UK. She can be reached at

Rojin-Sena Cantay
Rojin-Sena is the Campus Advisor for CAMERA on Campus UK. A graduate of Exeter University, she believes that fostering understanding among communities begins with spreading factual information to encourage dialogue. She can be reached at


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