June 4, 2013
Guardian sports writer makes unforced error in report on failing BDS campaign against Israel
March 4, 2013
Phoebe Greenwood races to report ‘news’ that Samer al-Issawi supports BDS
September 4, 2012
Israel’s Batsheva dances on in Edinburgh despite PSC hate-fest (Firsthand account, with videos)
April 11, 2012
‘Air Flotilla 2’ Participants – the trailer (Anti-Zionist ‘activists’ consumed by hate)
June 6, 2011
Scottish BDS advocate Jim Bollan’s take on the terrorists responsible for Fogel family massacre
December 24, 2010
Palestinian Solidarity Campaign frontman arrested outside Ahava
September 14, 2010
Kill Em’ with Some Love
August 13, 2010
Besieging is Believing
July 5, 2010