Times of London
February 11, 2014
Times reporter Catherine Philp falsely claims Oxfam cut ties with Johansson
January 6, 2014
There’s room at the Inn: More evidence Catherine Philp misled on Bethlehem
December 24, 2013
The award for ‘UK paper blaming Israel for ruining Christmas in Bethlehem’ goes to….
November 20, 2013
Roy Amlot in The Times: Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian children with relative impunity
September 17, 2013
Times reporter Catherine Philp makes wild claim on Ethiopian Israeli unemployment
August 4, 2013
Times updates SodaStream story to answer questions about “Faiz Abedy”.
July 29, 2013
Times story suggesting unequal pay between Jews and Palestinians at SodaStream is “a lie”.
March 12, 2012