
Altogether Now

Antony Lerman’s CiF article of January 14th provided an excellent example of how a manipulative ab...

Blinkered Comments

This is a guest post by Tom Wonacott The recent article by Nicholas Blincoe  (“Welcome to Palesti...

Its All the Fault of the Jews

This is a guest post from Mark Rogers of the Anglican Friends of Israel My text is taken from Mr Ant...

Writing on the Wall

Reading the comments on the article written by Israeli MK Shai Hermesh on December 29th 2009,the ove...

Happy MLK Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day in the US marking the birth date of Dr. King in remembrance of the c...

Responding to the Critics

An interesting phenomenon took place a couple of weeks ago at the Huffington Post. David Harris, Exe...

Are you sitting comfortably?

Many in the Western world seem to have convinced themselves that the Middle East conflict is no more...