August 1, 2014
How many Jews must die for Israel to claim the moral high ground?
July 22, 2014
Independent posts op-ed about Gaza by extremist who supported Al Qaeda attacks on 9/11
February 25, 2014
Guardian fails to reveal that Brit arrested for terror is ‘Comment is Free’ contributor
January 24, 2014
Terror cell exposed in Jerusalem: BBC promotes context-free quote from Hamas
November 21, 2013
Evidently, some Palestinian prisoners don’t evoke Harriet Sherwood’s sympathy
November 20, 2013
BBC reveals the ‘secret’ detention which wasn’t
July 8, 2013
Guardian’s former associate foreign editor: I know Abu Qatada – he’s no terrorist.
June 17, 2013
Glenn Greenwald: Hamas and Hezbollah are NOT terrorist movements
June 14, 2013