Denis MacEoin
July 11, 2014
Why Israel has been forced to go to war: An op-ed by Dr. Denis MacEoin
March 18, 2012
Denis MacEeoin’s take-down of Peter Beaumont’s pseudo-intellectual ‘understanding’ of Iran
November 22, 2011
CiF Watch @ ‘Big Tent for Israel’ conference in Manchester, Nov. 27th
May 24, 2011
A Letter to the Secretary of State for Defence, by Denis MacEoin
April 6, 2011
An open letter to Tamar Fogel, by Denis MacEoin
June 14, 2010
What the Guardian Doesn't Publish: How many Seas…? by Denis MacEoin
February 11, 2010
Methinks the Editor Doth Protest Too Much
October 7, 2009