George Galloway

November 22, 2015
BBC One fails to correct George Galloway’s lie about Israeli policy

August 13, 2015
George Galloway given his own show for a week on LBC.

June 15, 2015
Times of London finds some Orthodox Jews who support George Galloway

May 9, 2015
Galloway gone! Ward ousted! Liberal Democrats demolished! Labour decimated! SNP in.

April 20, 2015
George Galloway pulls a Jon Donnison while accusing Israel of engaging in mass murder of children

April 16, 2015
Did George Galloway just retweet an implicit threat to British Jews?

March 11, 2015
George Galloway 'reveals' the secret location of UK Media Watch

March 9, 2015
More evidence that #GeorgeGallowayIsAntisemitic

February 12, 2015