
July 26, 2023
Selective BBC reporting on Hizballah’s northern border provocations

October 9, 2016
BBC continues to ignore Hizballah terror activity in Israel

April 9, 2015
The BBC News website’s muddled geography confuses audiences

March 28, 2011
UN Human Rights Council Invents Some Human Rights Abuses, Ignores Real Ones

March 9, 2011
Ghajar Revisited (Sherwood’s anti-Israel narrative again appears impervious to new information)

November 23, 2010
At the Guardian, pictures are really worth a thousand (misleading) words

November 21, 2010
Earth to Harriet Sherwood (Updated)

November 19, 2010
The Barrier in Harriet Sherwood’s Mind

November 18, 2010