
October 23, 2015
Selective framing, inaccuracies and omission of context on BBC’s Hardtalk

September 4, 2015
Arafat ‘poisoning’ case closed: an overview of 3 years of BBC News coverage

August 30, 2015
BBC’s ‘Hardtalk’ keeps Arafat conspiracy theory going

June 21, 2015
BBC’s ‘Hardtalk’ provides propaganda platform for Erekat yet again

April 27, 2015
BBC’s Sackur touts ‘racist’ Israel in Hardtalk interview with Herzog

April 12, 2015
BBC’s ‘Hardtalk’ mainstreams anti-Israel delegitimisation

January 23, 2015
‘Special edition’ of BBC’s Hardtalk to commemorate a terrorist

January 11, 2015
‘Hardtalk’ interview with Yehuda Glick reinforces entrenched BBC narrative

September 2, 2014