International Solidarity Movement
August 29, 2012
Guardian’s beacon of Islamist justice – the crescent moon shines bright on ‘Comment is Free’
August 28, 2012
International Solidarity Movement’s ‘Fauxtographic’ record of Rachel Corrie’s death
August 28, 2012
Put International Solidarity Movement on Trial for Rachel Corrie’s Death
August 27, 2012
Meet the Abu Marias: ‘Mr & Mrs’ ISM-style.
August 26, 2012
The continued exploitation of Rachel Corrie.
May 17, 2012
Chair of Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign declares Israeli Hoopoe birds ‘Aves non gratae’.
April 2, 2012
CiF Watch Special Report: Latest Assault on Israel’s legitimacy, ‘Air Flotilla 2’, April 15th, 2012
January 6, 2012
Guardian source honours convicted terrorists.
November 23, 2011